Background and Experience
More than 30 years experience with special dedication to non-ferrous hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy, particualrly in Copper Electrowinnning and Electrorefining.
Responsibilities include Metallurgy, Operations, Design and Marketing, with special emphasis on Tankhouses Retrofitting, Modernization and Upgrading.
Special development of the Cell Block Concept aimed to integrate all associated equipments and operational requirements under one single design concept
Scope of Services
Process and Cathode Quality Auditing
Material and Heat Balances
Design Simulations for Verification of Integrated Cell Blocks
Design of Hardware
3D Modelling
CAPEX Review
OPEX Review
Conceptual Designs: New and Upgrades
Inspection Services
Commissioning and Start-Up Assistance to Owner
Scope of Supplies
Polymer Concrete Cells
FRP Liners
Rolled Lead Anodes
Explosion Bonded Blanks – Ti and 316L
DC Busbar System
Cell Top Furniture
Cell Accessories
Acid Mist Capturing System
Custom Fabrications
Main Consulting Works
2014 Brownfield SX/EW Project 40 ktpy, Chile
2014 Brownfield ZnEW Project Upgrading, Canada
2013 Greenfield HL/SX/EW Project, 6 ktpy, Chile
2013 Brownfield PbER Project, 150 ktpy, Perú
2012 Greenfield Copper Electrorefinery 200 ktpy, Confidential, Process Design Consulting
2012 Ventanas Refinery Modernization Project, Chile
2011 Greenfield Lead Electrorefinery 120 ktpy, Perú, Design and Supply
2011 Comissioning new Lead Electrorefinery 100 ktpy, India, - Process support
2011 Design and Supply New Copper Refinery 6ktpy for secondary copper , Brasil
2011 Upgrading Co EW Plant, India
2011 Conversion of Sulphate Plant to CuEW, Chile - Ownership
2010 Design New Electrorefinery 350 kt/y, Poland
2010 Demo Plant for High Current Density Elctrowinning, Chile (> 550 A/m2)
2009 Feasibility Study for New Copper Refinery, Zambia
2008 Update Ventanas Refinery Expansion Project, Chile
2007 Design of New Ni EW Tankhouse with Permanent Cathodes and Acid Mist Capturing Systems, South Africa (active)
2007 EPC Demo Plant LIX/SX/EW, Zambia
2007 Expansion and Modernization of Ventanas Refinery, Chile
2007 Expansion and Modernization of Nkana Copper Refinery, Zambia
2003 Bid Evaluation Ilo Smelter Modernization Project, Perú
2002 New Mejillones Copper Refinery, Chile
2001 Technological Change Chuquicamata Nº 2 Refinery, Chile