Sinergies in Electrowinning and Electrorefining

Case History download

Our mission is to provide a single window for providing materials and  services to Electrowinning and Electrorefining plants particularly for the  recovery of copper, nickel, cobalt and zinc.

Background and Experience

 More than 30 years experience with special dedication to non-ferrous hydrometallurgy and electrometallurgy, particualrly in Copper Electrowinnning and Electrorefining.

 Responsibilities include Metallurgy, Operations, Design and Marketing, with special emphasis on Tankhouses Retrofitting, Modernization and Upgrading.

 Special development of the Cell Block Concept aimed to integrate all associated equipments and operational requirements under one single design concept

Scope of Services

Process and Cathode Quality Auditing
Material and Heat Balances
Design Simulations for Verification of Integrated Cell Blocks
Design of Hardware
3D Modelling
CAPEX Review
OPEX Review
Conceptual Designs: New and Upgrades
Inspection Services
Commissioning and Start-Up Assistance to Owner

Scope of Supplies

Polymer Concrete Cells
FRP Liners
Rolled Lead Anodes
Explosion Bonded Blanks – Ti and 316L
DC Busbar System
Cell Top Furniture
Cell Accessories
Acid Mist Capturing System
Custom Fabrications

Main Consulting Works

2014 Brownfield SX/EW Project 40 ktpy, Chile
2014 Brownfield ZnEW Project Upgrading, Canada
2013 Greenfield HL/SX/EW Project, 6 ktpy, Chile
2013 Brownfield PbER Project, 150 ktpy, Perú
2012 Greenfield Copper Electrorefinery 200 ktpy, Confidential, Process Design Consulting
2012 Ventanas Refinery Modernization Project, Chile
2011 Greenfield Lead Electrorefinery 120 ktpy, Perú, Design and Supply
2011 Comissioning new Lead Electrorefinery 100 ktpy, India, - Process support
2011 Design and Supply New Copper Refinery 6ktpy for secondary copper , Brasil
2011 Upgrading Co EW Plant, India
2011 Conversion of Sulphate Plant to CuEW, Chile - Ownership
2010 Design New Electrorefinery 350 kt/y, Poland
2010 Demo Plant for High Current Density Elctrowinning, Chile (> 550 A/m2)
2009 Feasibility Study for New Copper Refinery, Zambia
2008 Update Ventanas Refinery Expansion Project, Chile
2007 Design of New Ni EW Tankhouse with Permanent Cathodes and Acid Mist Capturing Systems, South Africa (active)
2007 EPC Demo Plant LIX/SX/EW, Zambia
2007 Expansion and Modernization of Ventanas Refinery, Chile
2007 Expansion and Modernization of Nkana Copper Refinery, Zambia
2003 Bid Evaluation Ilo Smelter Modernization Project, Perú
2002 New Mejillones Copper Refinery, Chile
2001 Technological Change Chuquicamata Nº 2 Refinery, Chile